Information for young persons turning 16 years old
If you move to a new location
If you're moving, it's a good idea to register with a GP surgery near your new location. If there are several, you can find the contact details at nhs.uk/nhs-services/
When you register, you will be asked to fill in a registration form and may be asked for proof of identity and proof of address.
To find a local dentist, go to nhs-services/dentists/how-to-find-an-nhs-dentist/
Most dental practices do not accept NHS patients, only private ones. You can ask friends, acquaintances, and reliable adults for recommendations.
If you are unwell but it is not an emergency, call 111 for free advice 24/7.
There are times when you may feel more comfortable talking to particular GP practice staff. You can always request an appointment with your preferred clinician.
If you find errors or can suggest further subjects or links that would make this information more useful, please contact us at sneeicb-ies.framfieldhouse@nhs.net Or phone: 01394 615500.
Taking full advantage of the National Health Service
You have a legal right to choose a GP practice that best suits your needs within your local area. Try comparing GP practices according to facilities, services, access and performance before you decide. Ask friends, relatives and others you trust for their thoughts and recommendations.
The GP practice must accept you as a patient unless there are reasonable grounds to refuse you. These must not relate to race, gender, social class, age, religion, sexual orientation, appearance, disability or a medical condition. It must also give you in writing the reasons for any negative decision.
A GP practice may decline to register you if:
it has no capacity to take on new patients
it is not accepting patients that do not live in its practice area
it feels it may be better for you to find a practice closer to where you live
GP practices in England are free to register new patients who live outside their practice boundary area if and when they choose to do so.
For more information go to: nhs-services/gps/how-to-register-with-a-gp-surgerv/
SystmOnline services is a facility provided by the practice clinical record system. Your parents or guardians had access to your online record, but as of your 16th birthday, that ceases. You will need to come in and ask to set up your own account. Once you have access, you will be able to book or cancel appointments with us, order repeat prescriptions, and to view the clinical records held about you by the surgery. You can check test results, review your medications and check your immunisations.
To register, just come in to the surgery with your proofs of identity. The receptionist will give you a form to fill in and sign. You will then be given your new username and password and you will be able to log in and familiarise yourself with the website. You will be prompted to change the password issued to you to something more memorable. As with many other websites, it is smart to keep that information as a secret.
The NHS App provides a simple and secure way for people to access a range of NHS services on their smartphone or tablet. Once you have registered with your GP practice you will have full access to the services available and will be able to order repeat prescriptions, check your health records including test results, review medications and check any health symptoms. It also includes lots of helpful advice.
The NHS App is available to download on IOS and Android. More information can be found at nhs.uk/nhs-app/
All information in your medical record is safe and protected, including everything you tell us, whatever has been written down about you, and details of any diagnoses and treatments. You can see your health records at any time; just ask the practice manager at the surgery.
If you are uneasy about visiting the surgery, please let the receptionist know. We can arrange for you to have an early or late appointment or to avoid having to sit in the waiting room.
For information about whether your confidential patient information can be anonymised for research and planning purposes, you can telephone 0300 303 5678 or go to nhs.uk/your-nhs-data-matters/
General health information
The NHS web site goes into every aspect of health care in up-to-date detail from A to Z. Some topics have video information. Go to nhs.uk(
Free, safe, confidential, online supports for young people at kooth.com/ your online mental health wellbeing community.
bbc.co.uk(actionline/- information and useful links to a range of subjects are found at bbc.co.uk/actionline/ covers common issues covered in recent BBC programmes.
GP On-Line service enables you to communicate with Framfield House and other GP practices. Go to nhs.uk/ and search for ge online service
Registering with your GP surgery is easy. The service enables you to make appointments, look at your records, and much more.
LEVELTWO — Youth Project (Felixstowe): To promote the welfare of young people (age 7-25) living in Felixstowe and surrounding villages, through supportive relationships and positive experiences, designed to enhance their personal and social development. More information at leveltwo.0rgl
The 'Source' — provides information, advice and sources of support on everyday issues that impact youngsters. The website includes a modernized CV builder, 'Ask the Expert' and 'find help' sections including a 'Emotional Wellbeing Directory'. thesource.me.uk/
Suffolk County Council has an important one stop shop website that gives much information on local health services at and customer services at
For information and advice for young people covering a wide range of subjects from medical to writing your C.V Well worth a look at thesource.me.uk/
NHS Suffolk & North East Essex Integrated Care Board: A statutory NHS organisation responsible for developing a plan for meeting the health needs of the population, managing the NHS budget and arranging for the provision of health services in the Integrated Care System area. suffolkandnortheastessex.icb.nhs.ukl This is a website that is easy to use and offers a very wide range of information on just about everything you want to know about health and health care.
Mental health
Alcohol abuse and addiction information is well covered at nhs.uk/live-well/alcohol-advice/alcohol-support/
Anna Freud Centre for Children and Families has been providing psychological services for over 60 years. Go to annafreud.org/
Their helpline is 0207 794 2313 and email is info@annafreud.org
Bullying UK is a national charity. Their helpline is 0808 800 2222 and their website is at familvlives.org.uk/advice/bullving
ChatHealth - texting service - confidential help about a range of issues, or you can make an appointment with a school nurse by sending a text message to 07507 333356. Go to chathealth.nhs.uk/
Children and young people's emotional wellbeing - information, advice and support are available at emotional well-being —this affects about 1 in 10 young people — depression, anxiety and conduct disorder infolink.suffolk.gov.uk
Childline - a well-established charity for young people under age 19, is offering
County Lines - The Children's Society website has a good section on the criminal exploitation of young people. Go to childrenssocietLQ-CR:u.U
Drugs —A useful NHS web site about health and wellness - drugs nhs.uk/live-well/addiction-support/drug-addiction-getting-help/
Drugs - Honest information about drugs. Talk to Frank - help and advice on illegal substances. Go on line to talktofrank.com/ or call 0300 123 6600.
Exam pressure - go on line to pressure-a-guide-for-students/coping-with-exam-pressure-a-guide-for-students
Footsteps - walking with you is a professional confidential service in Woodbridge offering face to face counseling for young people aged 11 — 25. More information is available on their helpful web site at footstepswwy.org.uk/ or call 07955 898 151.
Healthy Suffolk - the home of public health in Suffolk offers lots of useful information. See their website healthvsuffolk.org.uk/
Just 42: Woodbridge based youth and children's work charity, offers mentoring support for young people aged between 11 and 19 years of age. For more details go to just42.org.uk/compass-mentoring or call 01394 380992
Kooth — your on-line mental well-being community. Free, safe and anonymous support kooth.coml
Mind - the mental health charity has an excellent website mind.org.uk/
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Good information on nhs.uk/mentalhealth/conditions/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocdloverview(
OCDUK is a national charity offering information and advice ocduk.org/
Physical abuse
Help with your feelings and information on getting support youngminds.org.uk/
Sexual Abuse support — Confidential support for young people (+13) in Suffolk who are or have experienced any form of sexual abuse or sexual violence, operated by survivor's tope.org.uk/
Pornography — If you are concerned about the impact of watching porn there is further information at thinkuknow.co.uk/
If you are concerned about revenge porn or the sharing of sexual images go to ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre/
Relationships - The Source is a Suffolk-focused service at thesource.me.uk/
See also Family Relationships below.
Samaritans - providing support to anyone in emotional distress. Call free 24/7 on 116 123, or go to samaritans.org/
Self-esteem - the opinion we have of ourselves. You can find good information at nhs.uk/mental-health/self-help/tips-and-support/raise-low-self-esteem/
Self-harm - see your doctor at Framfield House for a confidential discussion. Helpful websites are youngminds.org.uk(young-person/my-feelings(self-harm/
Sexting and selfies - if you need advice about sending or receiving images including nudes faceup2it.org/
Suicide prevention - Papyrus is a national charity providing sensitive and helpful services for young people with suicidal thoughts. Call 0800 068 4141, or go to papyrus-uk.org/
Young people's mental health - readable information about all aspects, with a good website at youngminds.u.g.uk/
Young people's health project: 4YP - provides and co-ordinates services for young people in Suffolk aged 12-25. Call 01473 252607 or go to 4yp.org.uk/
Diet, weight, fitness, sleep, and well being
Body Mass Index (BMI) calculates your own BMI and find other information at nhs.uk/health-assessment-tools(calculate-your-body-mass-index/calculate-bmi-foradults
BMI Score has some limitations because it measures whether a person is carrying too much weight but not too much fat. For example, people who are very muscular, like professional sportspeople, can have a high BMI without much fat. But for most people, BMI is a useful indication of whether they are a healthy weight.
Eating Disorders - BEAT provides a wide range of help on its website at beateatingdisorders.org.uk/You can also talk in confidence to an adviser from the eating disorders charity Beat by calling their youth helpline on 0808 801 0677. Additional information is also available from the NHS website.
Physiotherapy - if you have registered to manage your own care, you can self-refer to Allied Health Professionals Suffolk. They provide NHS physiotherapy services at Framfield House. Call 03330 433 966, or go to ahpsuffolk.co.uk/
Sleep problems - there is a wide range of information about sleep problems on the nhs.uk/every-mind-matters(mental-health-issues(sleep/ website.
Smoking — infolink.suffolk.gov.uk/kb5/suffoIk/infolink/service.page?id=AFZFn9ci3cU Is a website that furnishes specific help and encouragement for young people who wish to stop smoking.
Weight management - the NHS website provides multiple forms of help and information at nhs.uk/better-health(lose-weight/
Sexual and reproductive health
Local services and general information health
Contraception - the NHS has a full guide on its website nhs.uk/conditions/contraception/
Contraception services at GP surgeries, including Framfield House, are free and confidential.
HIV/Aids - the Terrence Higgins Trust provides service and advice nationwide. Go to tht.org.uk/
Integrated Contraception and Sexual Health (iCaSH) is a local NHS service working with the Terrence Higgins Trust, offering NHS self-test kit and advice and more at icash.nhs.uk/
The National Aids Trust provides support and advocacy about HIV and Aids through its website nat.org.ukl
Pregnancy - signs you might be pregnant; what to do; worries about pregnancy; what are the options? Information can be accessed via the Suffolk Children's and Young People's Emotional Wellbeing infolink.suffolk.gov.uk
A search of 'pregnancy' generates multiple links to local and national organisations that can help in different ways.
Brook - their web site is full of information and advice on a wide range of topics and believes in a society where young people are free to be themselves. For pregnancy see brook.org.uk/
And you can see your GP or school nurse.
Rape and Sexual Violence - Suffolk Rape Crisis is a service for girls and women experiencing or fearing rape and sexual assault at srchelp.org.uk/
General information including for men and boys at survivorsintransition.co.uk/
Sexuality and gender identity
Outreach Youth is a Suffolk group dealing with a range of LGBTQ+ issues and gender identities outreachyouth.org.uk/
Gay identity - Switchboard is a long-established service for LGBTQ+ people. It provides help and support through its website at switchboard.lgbt/ You can also text them via 0800 0119 100.
Young Stonewall is here to let all young lesbian, gay, bi and trans people as well as those who are questioning - know they are not alone. stonewall.org.uk/voung-futures
It Gets Better is a charity that enables LGBTQ+ young to know their worthiness and power as individuals itgetsbetter.org/
Just like Us is another charity empowering LGBTQ+ people from the classroom into their careers justlikeus.org/
Diversity Role Models seeks to embed inclusion and empathy in the next generation where everyone embraces diversity and can thrive diversityrolemodels.org/
Transgender identity information can be found via the Gender Trust at gendertrust.org.uk/ In person support and information is also available at genderedintglligence.co.uk/
Preventative health
Alcohol — nhs.uk/live-well/alcohol-adviceLaLcohol-supportl
Diabetes - learn to live well with diabetes at
Useful general information is available at kidshealth.org/
Gambling —This is where you can find out more about gambling — what it is, how it works, the risks, and what to do if you are worried about your own gambling or the gambling of someone close to you. bigdeal.org.uk/about-gambling/gamblingexplained/
Smoking — rlhs. uk/live-well/quit-smoking/n hs-stop-smoking-se it/ has sensible advice.
Social media concerns
See Bullying section under Mental health above
Family relationships
Confidentiality If you are anxious to keep certain matters private, go to nhs.uk/vournhs-data-matters/ or come in to the surgery to speak with your doctor. There is advice about data protection available by calling0300 303 5678.
Family or domestic violence - there is good information at childline.org.uk/ Or call . Also have a look at Refuge at refuge.org.uk(
Sexual abuse support —when someone harms, injures or hurts you physically on purpose. Confidential, specialist support for young people (+13) in Suffolk who are or have experienced any form of sexual abuse or sexual violence - operated by Survivors tope.org.uk/
Young carers support for young people who are formal or informal carers for ill or disabled family members is available at suffolkfamilvcarers.org/ Or by calling01473 835477
Please let us know if you find any errors or can suggest further subjects or links that would make this information more complete.
Please discuss any specific issues with your doctor
Email us via• framfieldhouse.surgery@nhs.net
Framfield House Surgery — 4th Edition — February 2024