Apart from General Medical Services the practice also provides numerous other services. We have four highy trained nurses who run many nurse clinics including chronic disease management clinics, childhood & travel immunisations, wound & ucler management, cervical smears, suture removal and ear syringing.
Please let reception know what you need and then an appropriate length consultation with the nurse can be booked.
Asthma Management
Asthma is increasingly common but can be well controlled by modern treatment. Our Practice Nurses are fully trained in asthma management. They will help you to understand your asthma, give you advice on the use of your inhalers and how to vary the dose in different circumstances. You will be invited to have an asthma review each year in the month of your birthday. We are introducing video group consultations to help you gain a better understanding of your health issues,to help you get answers to your questions from the clinician and your peers, to help you connect with others in similar circumstances and to help you reflected on what you have learnt and set a personal goal or action to help you keep well. If you would like more information on video group consultations then please contact the surgery.
Maternity services
Maternity services are provided with all doctors and our own practice-based mid-wife. If you are visiting an antenatal clinic for the first time, let reception know so an appropriate appointment can be made. We do not routinely provide pregnancy testing as kits can be easily purchased from local chemists.
Contraceptive services and well woman services
We provide a full family planning service at the surgery including counselling, pill prescriptions, coil and diaphragm fitting and emergency contraception.
Child health and protection services
We run regular clinics for child health screening and a full immunisation service with work shared between doctors, nurses, and health visitors. All our staff are trained in child protection.
Cervical Smears
All women aged 25 to 65 are strongly recommended to have a regular cervical smear. It is advised that the first smears are performed at 25 years of age, then 3 yearly up to 49 and 5 yearly from 50 - 64. Patients will be sent letters offering them regular check-ups.
Health promotion and lifestyle advice
We provide an excellent health education programme to enable you to live a healthy life. Well person checks can be booked with a number of the nurse team and topics covered include smoking, weight reduction, blood pressure and general lifestyle.