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Ipswich Road, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 4FD

Email    Tel: 01394 615 500

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Access to Records

Patients may request to see their medical records. Such requests should be made through the SAR (Subject Access Request) Team. No information will be released without the patient consent unless we are legally obliged to do so.


Can I access someone else's medical records?

Health records are confidential so you can only access someone else's records if you're authorised to do so.

To access someone else's health records, you must:

  • be acting on their behalf with their consent, or
  • have legal authority to make decisions on their behalf (power of attorney), or
  • have another legal basis for access

For further information see the - Access to someone else's medical or health records advice page.


If you wish to fill in a consent form to allow surgery staff to speak to another person/s on your behalf please follow the below link and sign and give to Reception.

Consent Form


Finding your NHS Number Online

If you do not know your NHS number please follow the link to help you:

NHS Number Finder